Intended to detect M.S. plaques in the white matter anywhere in the brain.
- MS
- Demyelanation
- Nystagmus (especially in young patient)
- Optic Neuritis
Sequences stored under Head / Demyelination
SCOUT 3 plane GRE localisers
Double_Echo_AXIAL Turbo spin echo (TSE) axials. 5 mm thick with 50% gap
- Position slices parallel to the line joining the Genu and Splenium of the Corpus Callosum.
- Cover the brain from below the Foramen Magnum to the Vertex.
- Sat band just below inferior slice and parallel to the slices
Sagittal_FLAIR 5 mm slices 0.9 mm resolution FOV 230 mm
- Position parallel to the corpus callosum
T1 CORONAL Spin Echo coronals 5 mm thick with 40% gap
- Position perpendicular to the line joining the Genu and Splenium of the Corpus Callosum.